Honoring the Legacy of Gestalt Therapy
and Dr. Fritz Perls
Gestalt therapy, pioneered by Dr. Fritz Perls, was a groundbreaking approach in the field of psychotherapy. Perls' work was ahead of its time, emphasizing the experiential nature of therapy. This focus aligns with modern neuroscience, which shows that the brain changes through experience, not merely through acquiring knowledge.

In the hit comedy ‘Man Up’ Simon Pegg’s character ‘Jack’ has invited his ex-wife – and the man she had an affair with – to have drinks together.
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Enticed? To learn more read below to see the full article. In it you will discover that many of modern psychological terms were first popularized by Gestalt Therapy including being in the 'here and now', 'dealing with unfinished business' and of course, gaining 'closure' on relationship break-ups..
The Core Concepts of Gestalt Therapy
Experiential Nature
Gestalt therapy posits that true change comes from experiencing and processing emotions rather than intellectualizing them. This approach contrasts with traditional methods that focus on understanding the reasons behind behaviors without facilitating actual emotional change. Perls emphasized that to prevent automatic arousal by the nervous system when triggered, one must undergo internal change. Thinking through an issue is insufficient; experiential transformation is necessary.
The Role of Neuroscience
Today, we understand that the brain changes through experiences, reinforcing Perls' belief in the power of experiential therapy. This insight reveals that intellectual knowledge about self-sabotaging behavior does not equate to emotional or behavioral change. Instead, change must occur at a deeper, experiential level.
The Influence of the "Gloria" Sessions
In the 1960s, Fritz Perls, along with Carl Rogers and Albert Ellis, participated in the "Gloria" sessions. Gloria, a client who interacted with all three therapists, later stated that it was Gestalt therapy with Perls that made a significant difference for her, despite the challenging nature of the session. This testament underscores the impact of Gestalt therapy's experiential approach.
Contributions of Carl Rogers and Gestalt Therapy's Unique Strengths
While Carl Rogers, another prominent figure from the "Gloria" sessions, introduced the importance of reflective listening and creating a sense of being understood, Gestalt therapy offers additional pathways to healing. Rogers' approach is crucial for clients who need to feel heard, but Gestalt therapy provides the tools for deeper transformation.
The Power of Presence and the "Here and Now"
Gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of being present in the "here and now." This focus on present-moment awareness facilitates change and aligns with contemporary neuroscience, which recognizes the necessity of presence for brain change.
The Concept of Closure
Another vital concept in Gestalt therapy is "closure." This idea refers to the sense of completeness and resolution one feels when they have processed an experience fully. Achieving closure is like experiencing the "penny has dropped" moment, where underlying emotional scripts lose their power, and genuine change occurs.
Gestalt therapy, with its experiential approach and emphasis on presence and closure, has made a profound impact on psychotherapy. Dr. Fritz Perls' contributions continue to resonate, demonstrating that true emotional and behavioral transformation comes from experiencing and processing emotions in the moment. This method, validated by modern neuroscience, shows that Gestalt therapy was indeed ahead of its time, offering lasting change and deeper healing for those willing to engage with it.
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